March 25, 2016

Join Me for Upcoming Conscious Leadership Events

Join me for upcoming Conscious Leadership events for executives, heads of culture, or any leaders who oversee dynamic teams in small or large companies. 
Conscious Leadership
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I'm delighted to be leading a number of upcoming Conscious Leadership events for executives, heads of culture, or any leaders who oversee dynamic teams in small or large companies. I'd love for you or your team members to join me. My previous events have been sell-outs, comprised of fantastic open leaders.

Along with my role as Co-founder and CEO of MergeLane, the startup accelerator focused on companies with at least one female in leadership, I have been working and teaching the work of the Conscious Leadership Group with executive teams, client companies, and with the cohort companies at MergeLane. This work attracts leaders from startups to large companies, and it is being taught at Goldman Sachs, Google, Asana, Yahoo, Greenville Hospital Systems, Joie de Vivre hotels and more.

I have seen this work drive positive change in myself as a leader and countless companies. I’m excited to share it with you, your team members, or others you think might have interest.

Upcoming events include:

  • Taste of Conscious Leadership Half-day in Portland, OR: April 28th, 1pm-5:30pm
  • Taste of Conscious Leadership Half-day in Denver, CO: May 6th, 9am-1:30pm
  • Conscious Leadership Intensive for Leaders in Boulder, CO: May 19th-21st
  • Find more events at

The intention of these events is to enable leaders, leadership teams, vertical teams, heads of culture, or entire organizations to explore the core concepts and models of conscious leadership and to experience a shift on one key issue that is causing counter-productive drama for an individual or group. The events will provide actionable insights to bring to their companies.

The Conscious Leadership model offers a reliable path for leaders and their organizations to reach new heights of sustainable success. We do this by giving event attendees the tools to shift beyond a limiting “below the line” culture of victimhood, blame and self-doubt to a thriving “above the line” self-rejuvenating culture of responsibility, creativity, genius and self-awareness.

We expect to cover the following topics and models:

  • The importance of the distinction between Context and Content. Conscious leadership lives in the zone of context.
  • A clear and actionable definition of the distinction between operating in a context of “above the line” versus “below the line.” This distinction is at the heart of repeating drama patterns in organizations, and understanding this model immediately shifts the effectiveness of conversations across teams and companies.
  • The 15 Commitments. These are the keystones of the Conscious Leadership practice articulated in the book “The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders.”  This model also provides meaningful intelligence on what behaviors and beliefs are the most significant limiting factors for a team. The bulk of this day is a focus on Commitments 1 and 2.
  • The Drama Triangle. We will gain a working familiarity with this model, which lives “Below the Line.” The Triangle roles of Victim, Villain and Hero encapsulate the go-to positions that create and perpetuate drama and limit organizational growth and creativity.
  • Willingness to Shift. We will cover the concept of willingness to shift out of a drama dynamic and into a place of what we call 100% responsibility. We will cover the difference between “wanting” to shift and being “willing” to shift and provide Willingness Questions to help teams discover when an where willingness to shift is present.
  • Shift Moves. We will cover various “moves” that can enable a willing leader to shift from Below to Above the line. These are actionable tools that will be immediately usable for organizations in the midst of challenging conversations.  

The Taste of Conscious Leadership event stands on its own. However, many leaders who attend find it interesting to engage further with this work through three-day leader intensives, engagements at their companies, and individual leadership coaching. All these events and other resources are more fully articulated at, home of the Conscious Leadership Group.

Please register today or contact me for any additional information.

Sue Heilbronner

Sue Heilbronner is an executive coach, Conscious Leadership facilitator, and catalyst for change.

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